Simple & Fun Family “Hand”made Ornaments
EEK! Christmas is next week! I must admit, around the holiday season I am as giddy and excited about Christmas as a 5-year-old! Not for the presents, but for the Christmas smells, holiday music, time with family, and Christmas CRAFTS!
Here is a simple and super cute ‘hand’ made ornament idea from our Craft-e-Corner designer Kala. A great way to let the kids get messy and have a little fun.
Kala has turned making a handmade ornaments into a yearly tradition and this year she made these oh-so cute hand print snowmen ornaments. All you need is a (we recommend shatterproof ) ornament, some acrylic paint, and a willing little helper to lend a hand. (te-heh, get it?)
Kala used a pink ornament for her daughter, and silver for her son. First, paint each of the kiddos hands with a white acrylic paint. Kala suggests Folk Art Paint for paint projects with kids – it’s great quality and is not to hard to clean up if things get messy.
Have the kids grab the ornaments with their fingers spread slightly.
It might help for you to help press there hands firmly on the ornament to make sure you get some solid little finger snowmen.
From there Kala painted on the rest free hand. Some buttons, stick arms, a carrot nose- the whole deal. You can add whatever you’d like to your snowman. They turned out really super cute and the kids loved making hem too! The project is a little messy but totally worth it.

…and while you are at it, might as well keep things going with a fingerprint reindeer ornament! This was made using the same concept. Smoosh the kids fingers onto an ornament with a brown paint and then hand paint on some reindeer antlers and a face.
I hope you loved the idea. I know that things can get crazy around the holidays and finding time for these crafts seems impossible. If you can’t find time before Christmas this year, keep a few ornaments out. There’s no harm in doing these ornaments for next years tree!
What do you think?
Which ornament is your favorite?