Take a vote! Yarn wrapped wreath Inspiration
Vote for your favorite idea! The fate of this wreath is in YOUR hands!
So last fall, almost an entire year ago, my sister gave me a heap of leftover yarn she did not want. I decided to make a yarn wrapped wreath. So I started… and never finished! I swear I try not to make this a habit, but starting something and not finishing it, unfortunately, is the story of my life!
Just about a week ago I came across the half finished wreath and decided I would leave it’s fate up to all of YOU! I am going to share some ideas I like and then you can vote on your favorite ideas!
Here was the start of my wreath. I used a foam wreath ring from my local hobby store and some basic white yarn. I tied a knot and started to wrap…..
TIP: Wrap really tight and go ahead and wrap right over your extra knot yarn tail. (the little piece of string hanging from the knot)
Once you wrap about 20 times, use your hands and push/slide the yard down so it’s nice and tight.
After, oh, a few hours… you’ll have this! I will not lie, this took a very long time, but I was watching a movie while I did it, so it went by quickly!
Now it’s fate is up to YOU! Here are some ideas I like…
Should I make a Halloween wreath like this one from i heart nap time ?
I love the black lace and the word spooky!
(I know it’s not white, but use your imagination, these are just ideas)
Maybe I could make a fall wreath like this beautiful one by DECORCHICK! I love the chunky stripes and the floral accents!
Maybe I should just keep it simple…. like this one from the Etsy shop ItzFitz.
What do you think?
Lastly, maybe I could make a winter snowflake wreath like this one from betterhomes.com! I could add fun white snowflakes over the entire white yarn wreath… and I think there might have to be some sparkle too!
HELP! Vote for your favorite ideas below.
Which idea do YOU like the best?
Have other ideas? Make sure to let me know!
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