Christmas Ornament Banner with Cricut Vinyl and Foam Shapes
It's not too early to start preparing Christmas decorations for your home. These cute ornament-shaped foam pieces from Hobby Lobby worked great as a banner. I just added permanent vinyl letters to them and strung them up. I'll bet my grandchildren will really enjoy the banner when they see it.
Cricut machine
Permanent Smart Vinyl
Permanent Vinyl
Transfer tape
Cricut Tools
Foam ornament shapes
Here is what the foam pieces look like. They are glittery on one side and plain on the back, with a hole for hanging.
I started by making a circle template in Design Space the size of the foam ornament, with a square shape for sizing the letters.
I typed the letters and chose a font I liked, using the square template to size them as desired. Then I had to choose the vinyl color.
To help me decide, I cut out two letters of black vinyl and two of green, so I could see what they looked like on the foam ornament pieces.
The black stood out more, but I opted for green because it looked more Christmas-like to me.
Next step was to cut out all the letters from the green Smart Vinyl. I love using the Cricut Roll Holder for this.
Here are all the letters cut, weeded and ready to apply to the foam ornaments.
After cutting the letters apart, I placed each one over an alternating color of foam and stacked them to do one at a time to avoid mixing up the color order.
I cut a few pieces of transfer tape a bit bigger than the letters and used the same pieces over and over until they weren't sticky anymore. Some glitter stuck to them each time.
The letters stuck to the foam okay, but at times I had to hold down the edge of the letters during the transfer. I was careful not to press too hard and make indentations in it. Here are all the foam pieces with the letters applied. Now to add some string.
I added a couple images with black vinyl to separate the words in the banner.
I threaded the string through the foam ornaments but did not cut the string yet. I didn't know how much I would need to hang up my banner.
Here is my Christmas ornament banner all hung up, making my house look festive!
I was concerned that the vinyl may not stick well to the glittery foam pieces, but so far so good. If they start to come off at any time, I can always add some type of coating over the top of them.
Isn't it fun to make your own home decor for Christmas? I hope I have inspired you to create something new this year.
Christmas doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas perhaps means a little bit more. Dr. Suess
Craft Foam Snowflakes Personalized with Cricut Vinyl
Clothespin Christmas Card Holder Using Cricut
Color-Blocked Joy Ornament Using Adhesive Vinyl