Valentine’s Day Wreath Using Knitting Loom and Cricut Felt
I love the texture of yarn and fiber and this Valentine wreath is loaded with it! Loom knit a long tube to fit around a Styrofoam ring and add felt accents. Remove the banner, and this modern wreath can carry you past Valentine’s Day into spring.
Knitting loom kit, small round loom
Chunky blanket yarn, 220 yd package (I’m using Bernat Blanket Yarn in whipped cream)
Cricut Felt Sampler, Summer Sky
Extruded Styrofoam wreath ring, 16 inches diameter (choose a round, smooth ring for best results)
Cotton or cord
Choose a small loom for this project. I used 12 pegs on a small 24-peg loom to make a long, knitted tube approximately equal the circumference of the wreath ring. The exact length required will depend not only on the size of your Styrofoam ring but also the stretchiness of the yarn you select for your project. I used the “tiny heart stitch” with the knitting loom. This stitch is not usually recommended for chunky yarns, but it created a really wonderful textured look for this wreath. Plus, you gotta have a heart stitch for a Valentine’s Day project, right? See how to make the tiny heart stitch at https://www.loomahat.com/tiny-heart-stitch/.
Cut a small section from the Styrofoam wreath using a serrated kitchen knife.
Ease the knitted tube onto the Styrofoam ring through the opening in the ring. Bunch up the tube as necessary to fit the entire length onto the ring.
Reattach the cut portion of the ring using any combination of toothpicks, glue, and tape. Allow to dry.
Distribute the knitted tube evenly around the full wreath ring. Sew the ends together using yarn with the large needle included in the loom kit.
Select your favorite designs for leaves and rolled felt flowers from Cricut Access. Be sure to create the flowers in a few different sizes to add interest to your wreath. My flowers were about 4-5 inches in diameter prior to rolling. Make the project. If you don’t have a Cricut, you can also cut the flowers and leaves by hand using scissors.
Roll the beginning with the outside edge. Secure the felt with your favorite glue and allow to dry. I decided to also sew an extra bit of the felt to make a “puffed” center for the flowers.
Arrange the flowers and leaves on the wreath base, covering the seam in the knitting. Secure the felt pieces using straight pins. When you are happy with the arrangement, add a bit of glue to permanently adhere them to the wreath.
Design the banner that will stretch across the wreath in Cricut Design Space. I’m using 4 triangles, each about 3.5 inches wide and 4 inches long. Cut the pennants from 2 sheets of felt. Glue both sets of pennants together to add stiffness so that the banner will hang well when stretch across the wreath. Design and cut the letters “L-O-V-E” from felt and glue them on the pennants.
Thread the pennants on jute cord and tie each end of the cord to the wreath. Use a length of the same cord to make a hanger at the top of the wreath.
Paper Rosette Banner for Valentine’s Day Using Cricut